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News & Press: ICD-10

ICD-10 ? of the Week: Why can’t I buy a ICD-10 translator for ICD-9 CM codes?

Friday, November 15, 2013   (1 Comments)

ICD-10 Q & A


Question: Why can’t I buy a ICD-10 translator for ICD-9 CM codes?


Answer: Every ICD-9 CM code will not translate to every ICD-10 code for a couple reasons:


1. ICD-10 codes are more specific and additional information is necessary to select the proper code.  For example, you must provide more information about a broken bone and indicate the severity of disease.

2. Several sections of code sets were modified so that a direct translation is not possible.  For instance, obstetric codes must now indicate the trimester, which is a new ICD-10 requirement.




Question: Is a medical practice required to release the entire medical record to a third party if parts of the record were acquired from other medical providers?


Answer: If a patient has specified that only certain portions of their medical record should be released, you should only release those portions of the medical record.  Otherwise, you should release the entire medical record – even if it contains information from other providers.


Al Turner DO says...
Posted Saturday, November 30, 2013
It may not be a violation the HIPAA rules to release the entire chart, but it may be worth a conversation with your professional Liability carrier. The risk exposure to other professionals can be significant. A physician may be blind sided by a law suit, when they were unaware that their records had been released. My policy was to release records that originated inside my office. I only released record that were generated outside my office, if the records were the results of tests or consults that I ordered. Sometimes I received records stamped "Not to be released without permission from this office" and I honored that request. Sometimes patients were upset, but consistent with Oregon statutes, I always charged for copying records. I didn't want to be responsible for organizing and copying 20 years worth of medical records that had little or no bearing on the status of the patient that just joined my practice and now wants to go somewhere else. Al Turner, DO

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